Four Tips to Avoid the Need for an Engine Rebuilding Service
Perhaps the words “engine” and “rebuild”, especially coupled together, are scarier than most things when it comes to your car’s operating condition. Perhaps that’s the reason why you are thinking a step ahead and you are wondering what to and not to do in order to avoid the need for a professional engine rebuilding service. Fair enough! We do those every day so we’ll give you some useful tips in this article.
You’ve probably educated yourself on the warning signs already. If not, we have an article about that too! Whether you have spotted one or two, it’s never too late to do what you can. Don’t want to spend money on an engine rebuilding service? Here is how to prevent a major engine rebuild with just a few daily steps to follow:
- Let your vehicle warm up before you set off – this way, the oil will spread around all the parts of the engine. This practice is even more beneficial in the winter when it is colder.
- Before turning off the motor, let the car cool down – if you turn it off immediately upon making a full stop after a hard drive, the oil may stick to the hot bearings and that might lead to problems. To avoid the need for repairs, it’s good to cool down the bearing, especially if your engine is turbo-charged.
- Change your oil at regular intervals – it’s recommended to have your oil changed at your regular car maintenance appointments and to use high-quality oil.
- Change the timing belt (camshaft) or chain – manufacturers usually have replacement intervals suggested in the manual. We do timing belt work in our auto shop. Ask our pros about it!